Dec. 29 and beyond

News Flash! We’ve had some kitchen staff who have been exposed to Covid 19 and some have tested positive. We are having everyone tested and while we wait for results, we will be closed today, Wednesday, December 29th and Thursday December 30th. NOTE: With a number of kitchen staff isolating, it will not be possible to offer food service this weekend. We have bar staff who have not worked with or been in contact with any of the exposed staff so the BAR WILL BE OPEN all weekend for drinks. Staff will, as always, be masked and we ask customers to be masked when in contact with staff. Friday and Saturday hours: 3 PM-12 (at least). Sunday: 3 PM to 11PM.
Its OK to bring in or order outside food. Sorry for the inconvenience. We are doing the best we can to keep safe and to save our business. We hope you’ll stop in this weekend for a drink to ring out this difficult year and to ring in a year we hope will be healthy, happy, and safe for all of us.